Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Activate panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices


This post shows how to activate the panorama function for iOS5 devices (iPhone 4 or newer, or iPad 2).

For jailbroken devices

Step 1: It’s rather simple. First, go to “cydia/manage/sources/edit/add” and input “apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/”. You can skip this step if your device already had.

Step 2: go to search tab, find and install “Firebreak”. Now panorama is ready to use.

Activate Panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices


For unjailbroken devices

Step 1: you need a computer (Mac or Windows) that can connect with your device (iPhone or iPad 2).

Step 2: Download iBackupBot (for Mac or Win).

Step 3: Run iTunes and backup so that we can use iBackupBot to read and change the backup file from iTunes later. You can use previous backup file.

Step 4: Run iBackupBot and browse to the backup file as shown in the following figure:

Activate Panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices

Step 5: find and open “Library/Preferences/com.apple.mobileslideshow.plist”

Step 6: Input a new code chunk: <key>EnableFirebreak</key><string>YES</string> as shown in the following figure.

Activate Panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices

Step 7: choose Save button to save  and close the window. In iBackupBot window, choose “restore backup file” and choose “yes” to finish.

Activate Panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices


Good luck and enjoy.

(ref: 9To5Mac and tinhte.vn)

1 Responses to “Activate panorama for jailbroken and unjailbroken iOS5 devices”

GeraldTalbert said...
May 4, 2015 at 12:06 AM

How to backup iPhone to PC?

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